ACS/TR069 Remote Management
We not only provide ACS remote management platform but also cooperate with various of vendors to customized product & firmware to full fill with our ACS/TR-069 services, include CPE Auto-configuration/provisioning, firmware update, performance monitoring, and Diagnostics.

Why BDI ACS service
Dramatic reduction of the provisioning costs
Support for non-technical users
Improving Customer Experience
Unique Smart Layer & APRTechnology
Easy In-House Customization
Any Device, Any Network, Any Service

System Architecture
BDI ACS Management System is highly scalable and is easily configured to support deployments of any size.To arrive at an optimal implementation, three factors should be considered: The number of managed devices, the Device Management System modules selected for use, the system availability and redundancy requirements.
ACS Standard Features
· Zero-Touch Configuration and Dynamic Service Provisioning
· Adding/Managing Multiple CPE Device Types (Data Models)
· Managing Multiple Configuration Profiles per model
· Re-provisioning
· Retrieve CPE Method by Bulks or One-by-One, Retrieve Partial CPE data model
· Remote Update of Groups/Specific of Devices
· Reset/Reboot CPE
· Software/Firmware Image Management
· File Repository
· Notification, Polling, Access Lists, LAN Device Management
· CPE Diagnostics via the ACS
· Logging
· Restrict/Allowed CPEs to be managed by the ACS
· Authentication of CPEs with the ACS
Can I use any modem or router to connect with ACS?
Yes, any CPE devices that comply with the TR-069 network management standards. BDI ACS also offer free service for any new model or device to join with the ACS, no extra cost on any new model development with ACS system.
Can I get the customized setting with the selected CPE?
Yes, all the CPE devices provide by BDI Technology will come with customized setting/value which allow you to change the default vendor value to your own. All the customised setting/vaule will be lock with the CPE and not be able to "reset".
If we request to auto-provisioning on specific or group of CPE, what I need to do?
We will provid you a CSV file to fill up with your provisioning detail, such as: pppoe username & password, SSID, Voip account detail etc. the auto-provisioning detail is not limited, its only depend on your selected CPE support parameter. Free of charge on pre-test and technical assitance with auto-provisioning.
Can BDI ACS Integration with External Systems?
Yes, The integration is usually done with the following systems/entities: CRM, E2E diagnostic system, LDAP\ADSI etc.